Archive for the ‘ニュース’ Category
【ニュース】米、国税職員を8万7000人増員へ 暗号資産への課税強化
【News】IRS expands crypto question on draft version of 1040
【News】2021 tax extension filers don’t need to wait until October 17
【ニュース】米財務長官、IRS向け800億ドルの予算要請 業務負担軽減へ
【News】IRS upgrades ‘Where’s My Refund’ tool to track refunds for two years
【News】IRS continues work to help taxpayers; suspends mailing of additional letters
【Notice】About the exchange rate used for 2021 tax returns(換算レートについて)
Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) announced the exchange rate on January 3, with the exchange rate converted from Japanese yen to U.S. dollar at 109.84 yen per U.S. dollar.
Federal Reserve Bank(FRB)より1月3日に換算レートの発表があり、日本円より米国㌦に換算する外国為替レートは、1米国㌦=109.84円となります。
(Year-end and new year holidays)
I am away from office during December 30 and January 4.
I reply after January 5 if I receive contact during this period.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
【ニュース】米、反汚職戦略公表 マネロン対策で全額現金の不動産売買にメス
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