Archive for the ‘ニュース’ Category

【News】IRS takes new steps to ensure people with children receive $500 Economic Impact Payments


The IRS urges certain federal benefit recipients to use the Non-Filers tool starting August 15 through September 30 to enter information on their qualifying children to receive the supplemental $500 payments.


【News】The postponed federal tax deadline applies to taxpayers living overseas


Taxpayers who live and work abroad have until Wednesday, July 15, 2020 to file and pay their 2019 federal income taxes.


【ニュース】米コロナ対策の給付金、故人にも 総額約1500億円




【ニュース】米、専門職など一部就労ビザ発給停止へ 米国民の雇用確保狙い




【News】June 15 tax deadline postponed to July 15 for taxpayers who live and work abroad


The Internal Revenue Service today reminded people who live and work abroad that they have until Wednesday, July 15, 2020, to file their 2019 federal income tax return and pay any tax due. The usual deadline is June 15.


【重要:Important】申告期限延長のお知らせ(deadline is postponed to July 15)



The Treasury Department and IRS are providing relief to all taxpayers who have Federal income tax returns and Federal income tax payments due on April 15, 2020. The April 15, 2020 deadline is postponed to July 15, 2020. Associated interest, additions to tax, and penalties for late filing or late payment will be suspended until July 15, 2020.



【News】Tax payments deferred until July 15


In a press briefing Tuesday morning, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that individual taxpayers who owe up to a million dollars in federal taxes can defer paying until July 15, while corporations can defer up to $10 million.


【ニュース】米、新型コロナで経済対策検討 減税など議会と協議へ




【News】IRS plans visits to high-income taxpayers who didn’t file returns


Internal Revenue Service officials said Wednesday they will be visiting approximately 800 taxpayers who earn over $100,000 a year and haven’t filed one or more tax returns in prior years.


【お知らせ】IRS opens 2019 tax filing season for individual filers on Jan. 27


The Internal Revenue Service confirmed that the nation’s tax season will start for individual tax return filers on Monday, Jan. 27, 2020, when the tax agency will begin accepting and processing 2019 tax year returns. 



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